Beginning Again… Again

A few months back, when I was eating a very high raw diet, I felt great. I had energy. I’d pretty much eliminated my need for coffee. I looked great- lost twenty pounds with ease. I didn’t need as much sleep. Basically, I had all the benefits of eating raw that could be measured externally. I have no idea if my cholesterol was lowered (probably not, as I’m still breastfeeding) or if my pancreas had gotten up to speed in the past year since having Hera… but my guess is that I was getting better internally as well.

But as most people do at some point on their raw journey, I slipped back into old eating habits. It started with a little sugar here and there… I’d totally cut out soda from my life completely for several months. And then I had one swig of a Coke and I fell off the wagon. I’d gotten to the point where that poison didn’t even tempt me anymore and now there are 2 2-liters of soda on my counter right now. I got them for a party the other night, but they are still there. Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe I should toss them…

I kept saying to myself- when I get my Vitamix, I’ll be able to go 100%. I will! I’ll be able to make perfectly creamy nut cheeses and pates. All will be well. Do I even need to say that I’m pretty sure this is not true? We are getting a Vitamix at the end of the year, but I’m not at all convinced that this will be the solution. The discipline has got to come from inside.

So, I’m starting again. I’m transitioning, though, and not going 100% overnight. I still love my grandma’s potato ribble soup too much and I have no intention whatsoever of EVER giving that up. I need to find a raw bread recipe that I like which contains very little flaxseed. My dehydrator works great, but flax crackers are yucky.

Heidi and Justin over at Raw Food Right Now! have posted an amazing article on ways to keep eating all week long. I think I’m going to print it out and carry it with me. It’ll be like a cheat sheet to keep me eating raw as much as possible. I will get there. I really do think so. I don’t actually like cooked food too much anymore… I just need to find more raw dishes that I like. And I need to find out what’s on the INSIDE that is keeping me from getting to my goal.

I plan to blog here more often and go back to Victoria Boutenko’s Twelve Steps to Raw Foods. Remember step one? Admitting you have a problem.

Well, here I go. I’m a cooked food addict… and I love love LOVE coffee.

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Filed under Cooked Confessions, Raw Thoughts

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